24 February 2008

Check out the rest of the article here.
- @ 28 February 2008 at 01:22 katsai said...
congratulations girl!! thats excellent, but then the earrings ARE well deserved of the attention ;P
haha, and I chuckled at your comment about making accessories but not wearing them... i got told by co-workers the other day, as they looked me up and down in my sorry state, that i really should wear my own stuff more often, ahhahaaaa. I took it as a comkpliment, but on hindsight I don't think it was really meant s one ;P
You know what they say, "in the cobblers house, they go barefoot", or something to that effect!?
Thanks for stopping by my blog, btw, great to hear from you.
besos! - @ 27 August 2008 at 06:56 Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor said...
- Congrats!! I love Capitola Girls' Blog and that is actually how I found you! Just had to find out about your site with a name like Peanutbutterfly!! What a cool name!