26 March 2008
Posted at 15:12 in
Sometimes I get asked (by other jewellery artists) how my clusters turn out so compact - I was just asked again this morning. Well... through trial and error of course. I've never purchased any of those complicated beading tutorials and certainly don't plan on producing my own because I'm no expert and because I'd rather focus on creating than teaching (sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing!). Some of my initial attempts were also a bit weird because not being balled-up tightly enough gave them too much movement that I didn't want. You live, you learn.

Let's just put it this way: there are only that many ways to wire-wrap or string a bead. It has holes, you have wire. Play, and think about shape and proportion. If you looked closely at the finished pictures, you'd be able to figure it out and do it the same way as I've done. Or at least, that is how I like to figure out things on my own. I just don't have the patience to go through a 58-step tutorial no matter how detailed it is, and neither do I like to spoonfeed people.

Breath Of LifeRustic Spring

  @ 29 March 2008 at 00:11 Wan said...
I finally managed to make such puff clusters, inspired by you and Rae (raescreations)! I find this method wayyy better to make puffy ones than other methods.
  @ 29 March 2008 at 12:43 msbelle said...
Gorgeous! I've never attempted clusters so I guess someday I'll have to try! Although I must say, I'd rather have you spell it out for me in a 58 step tutorial complete with pictures of your fingers on the pliers of each and every single loop you make and telling me where to put my thumb for added leverage!!! ;)
  @ 31 March 2008 at 23:23 beakee said...
Wan - Looking forward to seeing your work!

Ginger - Thanks! It's fun but I'm developing a callous on my index finger and need to give it a rest now and then. I SO laughed when you said you wanted to know where to place your thumb :D I guess I'm really much too impatient to follow a tutorial step-by-step.
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