09 May 2009
Posted at 00:09 in ,
On to happier thoughts. While I haven't exactly finished tidying up my work desk, I can feel the new space lending me at least enough clarity and patience to finish up a few pieces this week. Specifically, some gem-encrusted bracelets and earrings.

HesperidesViolet's Blue Jeans

Hesperides (mandarin garnet, citrine, pink topaz, imperial mystic quartz, andalusite) is already in my shops: here I must qualify that I am taking a bit of a risk in double-listing, which I've never done before. However, I figured that the odds of 2 different people trying to purchase a USD186 bracelet in 2 different shops on the same day and at the same time is quite low. If there are 2 of such people, then I think it's a good problem to have...

I took some photos for Violet's Blue Jeans (kyanite, sky-blue topaz, amethyst, rhodolite garnet, tanzanite) today and was not impressed with them at all. I'll need to reshoot them together with the earrings on another day - when I'm not in a hurry to be somewhere. This was slightly challenging to make, given my pig-headedness on trying a colour scheme I've never used before with my extremely limited stash of gems.

Stay tuned for part II and happy Vesak Day... if you're so inclined ;) Good for you lucky buggers who have a long weekend!

  @ 15 May 2009 at 22:56 msbelle said...
I love these. And I must say, that is such a clever way to present the photos!! :D
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Musings from the studio: new handmade jewelry, product photography, shop announcements, sneak previews and the trials and tribulations of running your own business.
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