24 August 2010
Posted at 16:03 in , ,
Just a bit of what I've been up to lately...

Nothing spectacular, a remake of the Caliente set I did nearly 3 years back, plus a couple of Swarovski cascades: the Astral Blaze and Sorcielle earrings. I won't deny I was slightly entranced by how sparkly and absolutely perfect those crystals are. If only natural gemstones were that way. But Mother Nature likes to spit in our cereal most of the time :)

Actually I'm quite amazed that to this day, people have been asking for remakes of past pieces, some of them going pretty far back (2006/07?!). And sometimes it's doable, sometimes it's not. There's a reason why I like to work in tiny exclusive batches: I prize individuality over most other things. So while you may find similar pieces made by others (and well, occasionally I make generic things or stuff that could be similar to others'), I'm content enough to know that there were only ever X pieces created by my own hand. I've avoided the wholesale route so far, and regrettably when Trunkt went wholesale-focused, I all but abandoned my account.

And now I need to get out of the house before I die of carbon monoxide poisoning from the nearby truck that's been pumping it out for the past 2 hours...

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Musings from the studio: new handmade jewelry, product photography, shop announcements, sneak previews and the trials and tribulations of running your own business.
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