21 August 2007
Posted at 00:20 in
I am having a mental block and am unable to think of names for the following:

Rhodochrosite, 14K goldfillSky blue quartz, oxidised sterling silverRuby, 14K goldfill

May I be more inspired tomorrow. Meanwhile, my neighbour upstairs has been puffing away at his cancer stick. I feel sleepy and tired. I managed a feeble bakasana today for all of 2 seconds. I have not made anything new in a few days. I'm working on something though, maybe I'll take a photo of work in progress tomorrow if the weather permits.

  @ 23 August 2007 at 14:19 msbelle said...
Whatever you name them they'll sell I'm sure. You could name them Larry, Moe and Curly and they'd still sell!
  @ 23 August 2007 at 16:48 beakee said...
That cracked me up, it did :D
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Musings from the studio: new handmade jewelry, product photography, shop announcements, sneak previews and the trials and tribulations of running your own business.
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