13 September 2010
Posted at 16:22 in

What's up with your front page? Yes, the photos are great and all, but I always feel like I'm looking at a mouldy thrift store, y'know, or one of those snooty art collectives that exclusively trot out members' wares.

Your number of sellers has seen astronomical growth over the past few years, but on the contrary, it seems like Etsy has just gotten so much smaller and less diverse - if it were even possible. Because it's always the same old sellers on the front page, whether or not they use stock photos, or have questionable skills, or spend 20hrs a day tweeting yapping.

Man... I feel like such a broken record.

But of course, I only speak as someone who has been a member for four years. Your new suckers members wouldn't know any sordid back stories to make them think anything other than what I described in the first paragraph. Your changes and "enhancements" are baffling. You really have a problem with prioritisation.

Oh well, many are now jaded. What hurts is that they were the ones with standards and integrity. I weep for the future of handmade.

The Ingrate

  @ 15 September 2010 at 22:54 msbelle said...
LOL!! Like minds....

Broken record? Jaded? Favoritism? Yep. SSDD. Nothing will ever change either.

Only great pics make the front page? Not always. I've seen some real crap up there. Sellers with a bazillion items in their shop make the FP? Not always. Dreaded resellers making the front page? At times I've seen them there. Admin cliquey favorites make the front page? Always.

Didn't we graduate from high school already? I know I did, but apparently Etsy hasn't yet.
  @ 16 September 2010 at 20:24 Yazmin said...
LOL How interesting that nothing has changed... Why am I not surprised?
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Musings from the studio: new handmade jewelry, product photography, shop announcements, sneak previews and the trials and tribulations of running your own business.
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