09 March 2009
Posted at 23:27 in ,
In case you might have missed it, I have finally stopped processing payments by bank transfers on purchase from my shop. Now you can only use credit cards to pay in US$. It's no different from shopping on Amazon or eBay. No big deal. Here's the original news post.

I had considered this in the past, simply because offering an offline payment method (on a site that doesn't require you to register, no less) makes it a no-brainer for pranksters and non-paying buyers to mess up my inventory and accounts. Plus with the currency fluctuations and lack of "official" support to display multiple currencies in my shop, it's quite a hassle for me and customers to keep enquiring for prices in SGD when my costs are calculated in USD in the first place.

And I have gotten my share of non-paying would-be buyers, but today I received a fake order that gave me the push. Whoever you are, you made life difficult for potential buyers (there is limited inventory in store - once you "purchase" it reduces the quantity accordingly) and for myself (I have the unwanted pleasure of getting the shop commissions reversed and fixing the inventory). Thanks but no thanks.

Then again as I recently plurked: life is inherently unfair and we can either sit here and moan about it, or do something to swing it in our favour. But I guess the most I can do now is to put it back into neutral. The only consolation is that I do still accept bank transfers for Etsy purchases for the time being.

Sorry for this rambling grouchiness... I am still tired, so water-retentive it's not even funny, and this happens to be a busy week filled with non-jewellery activities. Looks like I won't be creating much.

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Musings from the studio: new handmade jewelry, product photography, shop announcements, sneak previews and the trials and tribulations of running your own business.
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