20 October 2010
Posted at 10:53 in ,
Been out of stock for a while, but I finally made up some more because they make great gifts, either for your friends, family or good self. I love the unique Swarovski baroque briolette shape and just wish they came in more colours. I once had some in Comet Argent Light - those were magnificent. These ones I've selected more closely resemble the colours of peridot and pink amethyst:

These on the other hand, are a bit more special. I wrote about them some time ago, lamented the fact that I was already out of stock, tried to hunt down the mirror-backed dark crystal drops to no avail, and had to turn down remake requests. Then recently, I happened to come across them again. The colour is Crystal Satin (not Black Diamond as previously thought), and they have a subtle, multicoloured sparkle not unlike that of actual diamonds (which the artificial lens refuses to capture):

So there they all are, each with different metal components, available in my Artfire studio.

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Musings from the studio: new handmade jewelry, product photography, shop announcements, sneak previews and the trials and tribulations of running your own business.
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